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    Regional Authority FrankfurtRheinMain

    Promoting sustainable development in the region

    How can economic success and quality of life stay in line? What are the reasons people in the region still like to live here tomorrow? How can we promote cooperation in the region? Finding answers to these questions is the task of the Regional Authority FrankfurtRheinMain (in German).

    Climate and energy

    The task of the Climate, Energy and Sustainability Department is to ensure sustainable development in the region. We support our 75 member municipalities in the topics of climate and energy and  their efforts to counteract the climate crisis more effectively and at the same time to adapt wisely to the already existing impacts of climate change. We also engage ourselves in the expansion of renewable energies and how energy can be used more efficiently.


    On the subject of sustainability, we work on the protection of our natural and historically developed habitats. We are committed to the preservation of traditional orchards, the historical and cultural landscapes in our region, as well as to a Fair Region FrankfurtRhineMain.

    Our service: Information, impulses and initiatives

    As a regional platform, we provide the necessary information, give impulses to the region, develop strategies and initiatives for the municipalities and coordinate the cooperation.