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    Municipal energy profiles

    Energy data for municipalities

    To what extent are renewable energies used in the area of the member municipalities of the Regional Authority? What energy generation plants are there in the region? These questions are answered by the energy profiles and the Climate-Energy-Atlas.

    The municipal energy profiles provide an overview of local energy production. For example, the development of renewable energies in the region, in the districts and in each municipality is presented. A distinction is made between the generation of electricity and heat. For electricity, the energy sources photovoltaics, wind power, hydropower and biogas including sewage and landfill gas are considered. In the heat sector, data from solar thermal energy, heat pumps, thermal springs and solid biomass are presented.

    In calculating the energy profiles, we are dependent on the availability of data, some of which is only published with a delay of a few years.

    Take part in our work

    Support us in updating the profiles! Missing data, incomplete or incorrect information, changes in municipal activities: We are happy to receive all this information and look forward to your feedback. We are also happy to include new power plants in the data.

    If you have any questions regarding data disclosure or other suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

    Data basis and methodology

    The data on renewable electricity generation comes from the energy monitoring of the Hessian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Housing, which is commissioned to the Hessen Agentur. The data is sent by the Hesse State Energy Agency to the Hessian municipal heads of administration every year in the form of fact sheets and subsequently made available to the Regional Authority FrankfurtRhineMain. The data on renewable heat generation is provided to the Regional Authority FrankfurtRhineMain by the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control. The data includes those installations for which a subsidy (Federal Promotion for Efficient Buildings, previously Market Incentive Programme) has been applied for. The data of the federal electricity mix comes from the AG Energiebilanzierung. Other data on energy generation are based on the individual installations recorded by the Regional Authority FrankfurtRhineMain. Often only the installed capacity is known here.

    When calculating the energy profiles, we are dependent on the availability of various data, some of which is only published with a delay of a few years.

    Energy profile download

    By selecting the name of the area (municipality, county, Regional Authority FrankfurtRheinMain) the respective energy profile can be reached (in German).

    * Only area share within the Regional Authority