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    How does the cooperation work?

    The Regional Energy Concept FrankfurtRheinMain resembles a development process in several phases. The concept is constantly evolving and adapts flexibly to new circumstances. Because the basics for a transition of the energy system – may it be legal, technical, social or economic framework conditions - are constantly changing, too. For this reason, regional cooperation continues in project-related working groups as well as at annual networking meetings.

    Regional databasis

    The city of Frankfurt am Main and the Regional Authority FrankfurtRheinMain have created the first components of the Regional Energy Concept FrankfurtRheinMain starting in 2013. These included an analysis of the actors for the entire territory of the Regional Authority, practical guidelines on climate protection in urban planning and on the construction of heating networks, as well as energy profiles.

    Participatory process

    Between November 2014 and November 2015, 48 proposals for an successful energy revolution in the region were developed. Five strategy groups were formed on the topics of "energy supply", "mobility", "settlement and housing", "economy" and "value creation".

    Some 100 institutions with around 150 experts were involved in this process. Regional companies, associations, clubs, non-governmental organisations and representatives from science as well as the administrations of districts and municipalities were welcome to participate as well. Participants from the strategy groups meet at annual networking meetings.

    • © Salome Roessler


    • © Rolf Oeser


    On the basis of the results of the first phases, it is now important to implement as many measures as possible in each of the five fields of action ("energy supply", "mobility", "settlement and housing", "economy and value creation"). These should then serve as a model for further measures. Here you will find implemented measures.