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    How is the Regional Energy Concept FrankfurtRheinMain integrated?

    The Regional Energy Concept FrankfurtRheinMain is integrated into existing activities of the state of Hesse and the region.


    The state of Hesse has set itself the goal of completely covering its electricity and heat requirements with renewable energies by 2050. In addition, greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by at least 90 percent by 2050 compared to 1990.

    In order to achieve these goals, the Integrated Climate Protection Plan Hesse 2025 was adopted, in which the Regional Authority is also involved.

    City of Frankfurt am Main

    In the 100 % Climate Protection Master Plan, the City of Frankfurt am Main specifies how it intends to convert its municipal energy supply completely to renewable energies by 2050. This task can only be solved in cooperation with the region.

    Region FrankfurtRheinMain

    Counties, cities and municipalities in the region have adopted numerous energy policy goals. Many municipalities, counties and the Regional Authority have also made further commitments, for example by joining the Climate Alliance, the Covenant of Mayors or the Alliance "Hessen aktiv - Die Klima-Kommunen".

    An overview of the memberships can be found in the Climate-Energy-Atlas.